In Brief: Daniel Craig Will Return As James Bond Because He Is Contractually Obligated To [UPDATED!]

Daniel Craig doesn't want to be James Bond anymore. Some have argued that his comments about slashing his wrists before playing the part again are really about using the press to negotiate a better deal for himself, but I take his words at face value. In fact, I'm not convinced he ever really wanted the role to begin with... that he was more interested in the potential exposure and interesting work opportunities that being James Bond would afford him. Even at its best, his relationship with the character has been cool.

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A Brief Review of Important Matters: Artist Uses Social Media To Fight Infringer, Comcast's Terrible Deal, and James Bond Needs A New Home

It will now be harder for victims of online harassment to pursue criminal actions against their tormentors. In a 7-2 decision that came down this month, the Court ruled in Elonis vs. United States that a person making a threat on social media has to possess an objective intent to threaten a victim. It's not good enough for the victim to believe the threat to be real. No, the threatener must also believe that the threat is real, even if they ultimately decide not to carry it out. While the idea of intent (or mens rea) has forever been a staple of criminal law, the actual effect, mainly on women, is hard to ignore.

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